What a great show at the park! And the weather was perfect!

The mountain views were splendid! Visitors were all so happy, helpful, and kind. We had around 200 people at totality and at least 300 throughout the day! Some folks were in the park early in the morning and left; others came in late in the afternoon after the eclipse and hiked up. There were a lot of large groups and families and plenty of well-behaved dogs too.

There was a very nice couple who got engaged during the eclipse on the summit. It was very sweet! They had a champagne toast afterward.
All the parking lots were full and visitors were parking alongside Route 3. Some stayed below and watched from the parking lots and other areas.
Everything appeared to go smoothly and our visitors seemed extremely pleased with Mother Nature’s beautiful, rare show and our unique and special site! It was the first time visiting the park/site for many, many folks. It was a very memorable and great time for all! Under full sun, by 5:00pm, the road was almost all bare pavement. There was hardly any snow remaining even around the hairpin turn.
The park was in a total solar eclipse only for seconds! There was a countdown, with folks getting noticeably excited as totality approached. People began talking more, and then at totality, folks yelled, clapped, and hollered.

To experience the onset of "night" during the day and marvel at all those dramatic changes to the world that surrounds us is a memory that will surely last a lifetime.
Thank you to all our guests who turned out to experience this phenomenal astronomical rarity.
Report and photos by Weeks State Manager, Rachel Bruce.
Thank you so much, Rachel!